Friday, July 8, 2011

Cool Down with a Blueberry Lemon Drop

Ugh is it HOTTTTT!!! WOOOOOWEEEE....and it's Friday therefore all I can think about is my little boo boo's party tomorrow and cool bevies!!

First of all Lets start of with a VERY VERY HAPPY ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY to little boo boo bunny BRODY!! Here he is enjoying his first cupcake on Tuesday!!

He is having a very special Dr. Seuss themed bash...Obvi he is Thing 1!!

Next Topic of discussion is a fabulous Blueberry Lemon Drop Martini that will keep you cool this weekend!! This is my newest and most favorite drink du jour:)
This is the recipe I found online...but i made my own modifications as shown in PINK...

Blueberry Lemon Drop

3/4 shot Absolut citron
3/4 shot Stolichnaya blueberry vodka
1/2 ounce fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 ounces simple syrup (sugar and water)  EEW GROSS!! Use Agave nectar instead...just a few drops goes a LONG way!! Shake with crushed ice, strain, serve in martini glass with sugar around rim. No Sugar needed!!
Garnish with a couple of blueberries. Better with the lemon slice...blueberries can get mushy and they stain your teeth! YIKES! 

AND VOILA!! You have the perfect summer sizzler!!

Keep Cool and Check back soon for some design updates!!


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