Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It all started with the Headboard....

...And ended with re-decorating our ENTIRE room. Well, it needed it to say the least. Granted we have only been married and living together for two months now so it's not as though this was an overdue project or anything. I just had the itch to make our PB&J apartment our home. I posted on facebook a teaser picture of our room before....
Bland...boring...but live-able. All I wanted to do was make a new upholstered headboard....and the ITCH hit me...add pillows paint the wall...rearrange lamps...and finally restore that old chandelier that's been sitting in the corner of our apartment.


EEEEEEEKKKKK!! I mean seriously, I feel like I am on CLOUD 9!!! The best part is...the TOTAL makeover cost $138. NO JOKE!! The headboard cost $103. Fixing the wiring on the chandelier $5 and the paint was $30.

I can't wait to blog in detail about how to make the headboard and also how we cleaned up the chandelier :)

I have to give a BIG THANK YOU to my darling HB...for his patience, tool box and handiness...I don't know what I would do without that amazing man in my life.

I hope you enjoy!! And thank you in advance for any comments....i really enjoy reading them and connecting with my readers!!

Mrs. S


  1. Allright Missy! I am addicted to ur blog! I wanna try out everything! You might have to come teach me some new wife skills. I'm super impressed :) ~ amber petruzzelli

  2. Do you have the name of ebay shop you bought your trim tacks from? That is so much easier than trimming the whole thing with individual tacks - and it looks great!

    Thanks girl!
    xoxo, cyndy

  3. You found me Cyndy!! The sellers name is nails-to-you. Let me know if you need anymore help... And yes it saves a TON of time... And gives you straight lines!
